Wiki source code of Pateicības

Last modified by Valdis Vītoliņš on 2018/01/15 21:44

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Valdis Vītoliņš 1.1 1 = Pateicības =
3 Lai gan uz grāmatas vāka parādās tikai viena autora vārds, kvalitatīvas mācību grāmatas izveidei vajadzīgi daudzu cilvēku pūliņi. Pirmkārt, tā ir autora ģimene, kas pacieta garas un dīvainas stundas, kas vajadzīgas grāmtas rakstīšanai. Paldies jums vēlreiz, Sally, Bill, Ellen un David.
5 Redaktors-konsultants Brian Kernighan ir nenoliedzami labākais savā nodarbē. Viņš bija pirmais, kurš lasīja dažādus manuskripta uzmetumus un izdarīja atzīmes ar saviem neskaitāmajiem sarkanajiem rakstāmrīkiem. Viņa vērība pret detaļām, viņa nemitīgie mudinājumi sasniegt viegli lasāmu prozu un viņa rūpīgie manuskripta pārskati ir milzīgs ieguvums rakstītājam.
7 Tehnisko atsauksmju autori sagādā citu redzes punktu un liek autoram būt godīgam, noķerot tehniskās kļūdas. Viņu komentāri, ierosinājumi un (pats galvenais) kritika ļoti papildinājusi galaiznākumu. Mana pateicība Steve Bellovin'am, Jon Crowcroft'am, Pete Haverlock'am un Doug Schmidt'am par komentāriem par visu manuskriptu. Vienlīdz vērtīgi komentāri par manuskripta atsevišķām daļām bija saņemti no Dave Borman'a, Tony DeSimone'a, Bob Gilligan'a, Jeff Gitlin'a, John Gulbenkian'a, Tom Herbert'a, Mukesh Kacker'a, Barry Margolin'a, Paul Mockapetris'a, Burr Nelson'a, Steve Rago'a, James Risner'a, Chris Walquist'a, Phil Winterbottom'a un Gary Wright'a. Īpaša pateicība Dave Borman'am par viņa rūpīgo recenziju par visām TCP nodaļām un Bob Gilligan'am, kuru vajadzētu minēt kā līdzautoru [[Pielikumam E>>App_E]].
9 An author cannot work in isolation, so I would like to thank the following persons for lots of small favors, especially by answering my numerous e-mail questions: Joe Godsil, Jim Hogue, Mike Karels, Paul Lucchina, Craig Partridge, Thomas Skibo, and Jerry Toporek.
11 This book is the result of my being asked lots of questions on TCP/IP for which I could find no quick, immediate answer. It was then that I realized that the easiest way to obtain the answers was to run small tests, forcing certain conditions to occur, and just watch what happens. I thank Pete Haverlock for asking the probing questions and Van Jacobson for providing so much of the publicly available software that is used in this book to answer the questions.
13 A book on networking needs a real network to work with along with access to the Internet. My thanks to the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), especially Sidney Wolff, Richard Wolff, and Steve Grandi, for providing access to their networks and hosts. A special thanks to Steve Grandi for answering lots of questions and providing accounts on various hosts. My thanks also to Keith Bostic and Kirk McKusick at the U.C. Berkeley CSRG for access to the latest 4.4BSD system.
15 Finally, it is the publisher that pulls everything together and does whatever is required to deliver the final product to the readers. This all revolves around the editor, and John Wait is simply the best there is. Working with John and the rest of the professionals at Addison-Wesley is a pleasure. Their professionalism and attention to detail show in the end result.
17 Camera-ready copy of the book was produced by the author, a Troff die-hard, using the Groff package written by James Clark. I welcome electronic mail from any readers with comments, suggestions, or bug fixes.
19 Tucson, Arizona
21 October 1993
23 W. Richard Stevens
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